| A brow lift (forehead lift) restores the aging brow to a more youthful position. Brow ptosis (sagging) is a part of the normal aging process. However, some people are more predisposed to this happening (genetic inheritance). This lowering of the brow height can lead to a tired, brooding, and aged appearance. Additionally, brow ptosis can substantially contribute to increased hooding of the upper eyelid. Often Dr. Smith performs a brow lift in conjunction with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to achieve a more optimal result. The surgical technique used for a brow lift is dependent upon the individual patient. Surgical options range from an endoscopic minimally invasive closed technique to an open technique. Once Dr. Smith has seen you for a consult, performed a thorough examination, and reviewed your medical records and medical history, he will be able to recommend which options are best indicated for you.